Evil eye and it`s negative effects
Envy and a Feeling of Wonder is the Main Cause of the Evil Eye and its Negative Effects.

Evil eye is something which people do not like to talk about in an open way and in public. It is hidden and it is sometimes the root cause of all problems and sickness in your life.What is evil eye?
The poisonous negative rays pass from the person who feels envy and wonder about any person or pass any negative vibe against you which comes and attacks you then is called an evil eye.
What are the negative effects of evil eyes?
People affected by the evil eye will lose something they possess because of wonder and envious feelings coming from others.
Suppose some person is deprived of sleep and has to take sleeping pills to sleep and still is not having quality sleep; if his friend sleeps better than him or her, then the sleep-deprived person will feel envious of that friend. This feeling causes evil eyes, and they suffer from the same condition.

For example: If a 90-year-old woman is healthy and walking fast, then she becomes a source of wonder for all.
People start raising questions and asking about her secrets, and people who are younger than her and suffer from diseases and illness grows envious. Then this feeling of wonder and envy is the main cause of evil eyes.
I myself suffered from evil eyes many times in my life. Apart from the feeling of wonder and other negative emotions, I feel envy is the leading cause of evil eyes.
Hazrath Ali(Ra) quotes that envy is a disease which weakens one`s body and soul and the person who always envy others do not feel peaceful and become distant from Allah.
If you want to connect yourself with the divine superpower and become spiritually powerful, then you must stop feeling envious of others’ blessings.
Envy is something that we can come across almost daily, and we do not realize it.
A person who is sick feels envious of the person who is healthy.
A person who is hungry feels envious of the person who is eating delicious food.
A person who is poor feels envious of the people who have money.
A person who has pimples and scratches on their face feels envious of the person who has bright, flawless skin.
A person who is not happy in marriage feels envious of the couple who are living a happy married life.
This is the real story of evil eyes, and we cannot escape people’s envy, but we can protect ourselves from evil eyes by chanting Quranic verses to protect us against this disease.
It is called Ruqyah
Just type ruqyah for the evil eye on YouTube, and there you will get many miraculous prayers and chants to heal from evil eyes.
“Aoozubikalimaatillahittaammmaaah min kulli shaytaani wa hammmaaa wamin kulli aynillaaammaahh!”recite 3 times!
“Waiyaa kaadul lazeena kafaroo la yuzlikhoona ka bee absaarihim lammaa samiyun zikrun waya khuloon innaahu lamajnoon wama hua illa zikrur ill aalaameen”. recite 11 times
Prophet Mohammed (saw) said “one third of my ummah will be in grave because of evil eyes”.
And it is reported by some spiritual healers that evil eyes are worse than sorcery, witchcraft, and black magic.
We cannot escape from envious people all around us, but we can protect ourselves from them.
precaution is always better than cure if you want to save yourself from evil eyes then refrain from talking about your blessings in front of others especially in front of envious people.
If you want to become spiritually powerful, which is one of your motives in life, then delete envy from your heart.
Never envy anybody, and pray to increase the blessing of others if you see any blessing that others possess.
Envy does not do any good but only destroys and harms. You or the person who is envied do not get any benefit from it.
The best way to permanently remove envy from your mind
is never to peep at what is on another’s plate; look at what is there on your plate, be grateful to Allah, and pray to increase blessings for you and others.
Never peep into others’ plates also means that never look at what others are having and possessing and look at what you have and feel grateful for it.
If you see that you do not have some blessing that your friend or anybody has, then pray for the barakah to make duaa for them.
May Allah give more quality and blessing to that thing your close one possesses. And never forget you do not get what you desire, but you surely get what you deserve, and Allah knows best what you need and deserve at the moment.
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